Helicopter excursion to the volcanoes "Southern Volcanoes" Gorely and Mutnovsky

Mutnovsky volcano has a complex and unusual structure. Its slopes are surrounded by sheer cliffs. A glacier descends from the top of the volcano and powerful streams of steam erupt through its cracks to the surface. Here you can see sizzling fumaroles surrounded by bright yellow collars of sulfur crystals, mud bubbling cauldrons filled with black water and impressive craters. At the foot of the volcano there is Opasny canyon, into which an 80-meter waterfall falls.

Gorely volcano is located in a vast and picturesque caldera. It is unique for the "collection" of various craters at its summit. The edges of some of them cross each other and create a very bizarre and unique pattern. The main craters are surrounded by steep walls 150-200 m high, have a well-shaped structure and are filled with acid lakes.

Types of activities

  • Helicopter flight over the Gorely and Mutnovsky volcanoes;
  • Walk on Gorely volcano - the base of the volcano is covered with volcanic soil (attraction - acid lakes in the craters of the volcano, lava caves);
  • Trekking to Mutnovsky volcano;
  • Inspection of high-temperature water boilers, steam-gas jets, the picturesque Mutnovsky glacier, mud boilers and active fumaroles, the Opasny canyon waterfall.

Route map

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