Extreme aviation

Ultralight aviation

Ultralight aircraft is a category of manned aircraft with a maximum take-off weight and stall speed that does not exceed certain values set by local aviation authorities. The number of passengers is not more than one or two.

Hang glider

Hang glider - an unpowered flying apparatus for a single person (or two persons), consisting of a frame with a fabric airfoil stretched over it.

The wing consists of a power duralumin frame, braced with steel cables and covered with a soft covering made of synthetic fabric (currently calendered fabrics like Dacron with a density of at least 300 g / m2 are used), is attached to a hang glider’s sidecar.

A sidecar is made of load-bearing elements, includes a supporting frame, a chassis, an engine with a gearbox and a propeller, instrumentation, a fuel tank and a seat for the pilot and passenger.

If you feel turbulence in the sensation or the pilot turns off the engine, everything is in order: the aircraft is light, sensitive to air currents and can hover using the wing advantage. The thrill doubles from the feeling of a bird's eye view!


Ultra-light aircraft based on double-shell parachutes. A paraglider is a man-made, air-filled canopy that some pilots can use to fly more than 300 km and rise above 7000 m.

Paragliding gives an indescribable feeling of free flight. Using updrafts, a paraglider can fly for hours under the clouds, covering tens and hundreds of kilometers without a single drop of fuel.


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